20 Low-Carb Snacks That Won’t Break the Bank (Or Your Diet!)

Okay, picture this: You’re committed to a low-carb lifestyle. You’ve overhauled your pantry, stocked up on veggies, and mastered the art of meal prep. But then, it hits you… snack time. Fear not! Ditching carbs doesn’t mean giving up on delicious snacks. We’ve got you covered with 20 quick, cheap, and simple low-carb snack ideas that will keep you satisfied and on track.

To Snack or Not to Snack? That Is the Question!

We get it. You’re excited to dive into these tasty low-carb snacks, but hold on a sec. Let’s consider something important first: Do you really need to snack?

See, a low-carb diet tends to be more filling than one loaded with refined carbs. By eating fewer carbs and focusing on protein and healthy fats, you experience a slow and steady release of energy. This helps keep those hunger pangs at bay. In fact, after a few days of low-carb eating, you might find you don’t even feel the urge to snack between meals!

But what if you’re still feeling peckish? First, make sure you’re eating enough protein and fat at mealtimes. Don’t be afraid to fill your plate until you’re comfortably full. Also, stay hydrated! Sometimes, we mistake thirst for hunger.

Next time you reach for a snack, pause and tune in to your body. Are you truly hungry, or are you snacking out of habit or boredom? If it’s the latter, maybe try a different activity to keep yourself occupied. Perhaps go for a walk, read a book, or listen to a podcast. Sometimes, simply brushing your teeth can help curb those mindless munchies.

Remember: The goal of a low-carb diet isn’t just about restricting carbs, it’s also about cultivating a healthier relationship with food. Listen to your body, eat when you’re genuinely hungry, and choose snacks that nourish and satisfy.

Vegan Low-Carb Snacks: Plant-Powered Goodness

Ready to discover some seriously satisfying vegan snacks that won’t kick you out of ketosis? Let’s dive in!

1. Nuts & Seeds: Nature’s Powerhouses

Seriously, is there anything more convenient than a handful of nuts or seeds? These little guys are packed with good fats, fiber, and plant-based protein, making them a low-carb superstar. Just remember, some nuts and seeds are lower in carbs than others.

Carb-conscious choices:

  • Almonds: 3g net carbs per 1 oz (28g) serving
  • Pine nuts: 4g net carbs per 1 oz (28g) serving
  • Hazelnuts: 5g net carbs per 1 oz (28g) serving
  • Brazil nuts: 3g net carbs per 1 oz (28g) serving
  • Macadamia nuts: 4g net carbs per 1 oz (28g) serving

Watch out for:

  • Cashews: 8g net carbs per 1 oz (28g) serving
  • Pistachios: 8g net carbs per 1 oz (28g) serving

Pro tip: Create your own trail mix with a variety of your favorite nuts and seeds for a flavor and texture explosion!

2. Nut Butter: Creamy & Convenient

Nut butters are a dream come true for low-carb snackers. They’re high in healthy fats, offer a decent amount of protein, and are relatively low in carbs. But beware of added sugars! Many commercial nut butters are loaded with the sweet stuff, which can significantly increase their carb content. Stick to 100% nut butters with no added sugar, oil, or sweeteners.

Net carbs per 2 tablespoons:

  • Almond butter: 3g
  • Peanut butter: 6g
  • Cashew butter: 8g

Enjoy it straight from the jar (no judgment here!) or get creative:

  • Dip celery or cucumber sticks
  • Spread it on low-carb crackers
  • Add a dollop to your morning smoothie

3. Olives: A Briny Delight

Olives are a bit like cilantro – you either love them or hate them. But if you’re on team olive, you’re in luck! They’re a fantastic source of healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, and various minerals, all while keeping the carb count incredibly low.

  • Net carbs: A serving of 5 olives has around 0.5g net carbs
  • Variety is key: Explore different types of olives like Kalamata, green, or stuffed with pimentos for a flavor adventure.
  • Watch the sodium: While olives are a healthy snack, they can be high in sodium, so enjoy them in moderation.

4. Avocado: The Low-Carb Fruit Superstar

Yes, you read that right – avocado is technically a fruit! And it’s a low-carb dieter’s best friend. Half an avocado boasts healthy fats, essential nutrients, and only a couple of net carbs.

  • Net carbs: Half an avocado contains just 2g net carbs
  • Simple & satisfying: Sprinkle some salt, pepper, and a squeeze of lime on half an avocado for a quick and delicious snack.
  • Get creative: Mash it up with some spices for a guacamole-inspired dip or slice it up and add it to your salad.

5. Edamame: A Protein-Packed Powerhouse

While most legumes are off-limits on a low-carb diet, edamame is the exception. These green soybeans are relatively low in net carbs but high in protein, making them incredibly satiating.

  • Net carbs: 100g of edamame contains 5.3g net carbs
  • Snack attack: Boil or steam them and sprinkle with your favorite seasonings for a quick and filling snack.
  • Add them to meals: Edamame also makes a great addition to stir-fries or salads for an extra protein boost.

6. Pickles: A Tangy Treat

Pickles are low in pretty much everything except sodium, which makes them a great low-carb snack in moderation. They offer a satisfying crunch and a tangy flavor that can help curb cravings

  • Net carbs: Half a cup of dill pickles provides around 1g net carbs
  • Choose wisely: Opt for unsweetened pickles or make your own at home to control the ingredients and sodium content
  • Pair them up: Pickles make a great addition to salads, sandwiches or wraps for an extra burst of flavor.

7. Baked Tofu: Versatile & Flavorful

For vegans following a low-carb diet, tofu is an incredible protein source. It’s practically carb-free and can be seasoned and baked to create a savory and satisfying snack

  • Net carbs: A cup of unflavoured firm tofu yields just 1g net carbs
  • Experiment with flavors: Marinate tofu cubes in your favorite sauces or spices before baking for a flavor explosion
  • Creative combinations: Add baked tofu to salads, wraps or enjoy it on its own with a dipping sauce

8. Veggie Sticks: Fresh & Crunchy

Slice up your favorite veggies into sticks, pop them in the fridge, and say hello to a healthy low-carb snack on demand! Pay attention to the vegetables you choose; some are much higher in carbs than others (root vegetables, we’re looking at you).

Net carbs per 100g:

  • Cucumber sticks: 2g
  • Green pepper sticks: 3g
  • Red pepper sticks: 4g
  • Yellow pepper sticks: 5g

Dip it up:

  • Pair your veggie sticks with hummus, guacamole, or a low-carb dip for extra flavor.

9. Soy or Coconut Yogurt Bowl: A Creamy Canvas

If you fancy a low-carb yogurt snack as a vegan, your best choices are plain, unsweetened coconut or soy yogurt.

Net carbs per 100g serving:

  • Coconut yogurt: 2.3g
  • Soy yogurt: 2.1g

Sweeten it up naturally:

  • Add a drizzle of stevia or monk fruit sweetener.
  • Top with fresh or frozen berries for a touch of sweetness

10. Kale Chips: The Crunchy Alternative

Serial crisp snacker? Kale chips make a great low-carb snack alternative

  • Net carbs: 1 bunch of kale should yield you 3 small servings of kale chips at around 1.5g net carbs per serving
  • Homemade goodness: Bake your own kale chips for a healthier and more affordable option
  • Flavor it up: Experiment with different seasonings like garlic powder, nutritional yeast, or smoked paprika

11. Chia Pudding: A Creamy & Filling Delight

Chia seeds are a nutritional powerhouse, packed with fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein. When combined with your favorite plant-based milk, they create a creamy and satisfying pudding that’s perfect for a low-carb snack.

  • Net carbs: Approximately 2g net carbs per serving (depending on the milk and sweetener used).
  • Make it ahead: Prepare a batch of chia pudding in the evening, and it’ll be ready to grab and go in the morning or for an afternoon snack.
  • Flavor it up: Get creative with flavor combinations! Try adding cocoa powder, vanilla extract, berries, or chopped nuts for a tasty twist.

Vegetarian Low-Carb Snacks: Wholesome & Satisfying

Going low-carb doesn’t mean sacrificing flavor or variety, even for vegetarians. These options are packed with nutrients and will keep you feeling full and energized.

12. Hard-Boiled Egg: The Classic Grab-and-Go

Cheap, portable, and oh-so-tasty, the humble hard-boiled egg is a low-carb snacker’s dream. It’s a powerhouse of nutrients like iron and vitamins B and D, plus it packs a protein punch to keep you going.

  • Net carbs: A single large hard-boiled egg has less than 1g of net carbs
  • Spice it up: Sprinkle with everything bagel seasoning, paprika, or a dash of hot sauce for an extra kick.
  • Make it a meal: Slice a hard-boiled egg over a bed of greens with some avocado and a drizzle of olive oil for a light and satisfying lunch.

13. Cheese: A Savory Indulgence

Cheese lovers, rejoice! This dairy delight is naturally low in carbs and high in both fat and protein, making it a perfect fit for a low-carb lifestyle.

Net carbs per 1 oz (28g) serving:

  • Brie: 0g
  • Mozzarella: 0.6g
  • Cheddar: 1g
  • Gouda: 0.9g
  • Feta: 4g

Portion control is key:

  • While delicious, cheese is also calorie-dense, so be mindful of your serving size.

Pair it up:

  • Enjoy cheese with some nuts, olives, or veggie sticks for a balanced and satisfying snack.

14. Greek Yogurt Bowl: A Protein-Rich Treat

Craving something creamy and satisfying? Greek yogurt is your answer. It’s packed with protein and healthy fats, while keeping the carbs in check.

  • Net carbs: Plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt typically has around 5-8g net carbs per 100g serving.
  • Sweeten it naturally: Add a drizzle of honey or maple syrup (in moderation), or top with fresh or frozen berries.
  • Add some crunch: Sprinkle on some nuts, seeds, or unsweetened coconut flakes for texture and added nutrients.

15. Low-Carb Protein Smoothie: Blend Your Way to Satisfaction

Smoothies are a fantastic way to sneak in extra nutrients and protein while keeping carbs low. The key is to choose your ingredients wisely.

  • Liquid base: Opt for unsweetened almond milk, coconut milk, or water.
  • Protein: Add a scoop of protein powder, Greek yogurt, or cottage cheese.
  • Healthy fats: Include avocado, nut butter, or chia seeds.
  • Fruits & veggies: Stick to low-carb options like berries, spinach, or kale.

16. Egg Cups: Make-Ahead Meal Prep Magic

Egg cups are a lifesaver for busy mornings or when you need a quick and portable snack. They’re packed with protein and can be customized with your favorite veggies and seasonings.

  • Net carbs: The carb count will vary depending on your add-ins, but generally, each egg cup should have around 1-2g net carbs
  • Meal prep friendly: Make a batch on the weekend and enjoy them throughout the week
  • Endless possibilities: Experiment with different fillings like spinach and feta, mushrooms and onions, or bacon and cheese

17. Cottage Cheese with Berries: A Sweet and Savory Delight

Cottage cheese is a fantastic source of protein and calcium, and when paired with fresh or frozen berries, it becomes a delightful low-carb snack that satisfies both sweet and savory cravings.

  • Net carbs: Approximately 4g net carbs per 1/2 cup serving of cottage cheese, plus the net carbs from the berries you choose.
  • Protein Powerhouse: Cottage cheese provides a substantial amount of protein, helping to keep you feeling full and satisfied.
  • Choose your berries wisely: Opt for lower-carb berries like raspberries, strawberries, or blackberries.

Meaty Low-Carb Snacks

18. Meat & Cold Cuts: Protein on the Go

Leftover chicken or a few slices of deli meat can make a fantastic low-carb snack. They are packed with protein and require zero prep.

Net carbs per 2 slices:

  • Prosciutto: 0.1g
  • Pastrami: 0.4g
  • Ham: 0.2g

Net carbs per 50g:

  • Turkey breast: 0.6g
  • Chicken breast: 1g

Choose wisely:

  • Opt for lean, organic, and grass-fed meats whenever possible to avoid unnecessary additives and preservatives.

19. Roll-Ups: Creative & Flavorful

Roll-ups offer a fun and delicious way to combine different low-carb ingredients for a satisfying snack

  • Classic combo: Wrap a slice of ham or turkey around a cheese stick or some cream cheese
  • Veggie delight: Use lettuce leaves to wrap up seasoned ground meat or shredded chicken
  • Get adventurous: Experiment with different combinations like prosciutto and melon or salami and cucumber

20. Can of Tuna: The Pantry Staple

In a pinch, a can of tuna is a lifesaver. It’s a budget-friendly source of protein and healthy fats, plus it has zero net carbs

  • Net carbs: 0g net carbs per can
  • Spice it up: Mix tuna with some mayo, mustard, or hot sauce for added flavor
  • Add some crunch: Enjoy tuna salad with celery sticks or on top of lettuce leaves


Snacking on a low-carb diet doesn’t have to be boring or restrictive. With these 20 quick, cheap, and simple ideas, you can stay satisfied and on track with your health goals. Remember, the key is to listen to your body, choose nutrient-dense options, and enjoy the process!

So, what’s your go-to low-carb snack? Share your favorites in the comments below!

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